Time passes quickly during the summer in Camden, Maine. So it does, too, in Rockport, Rockland, and throughout Penobscot Bay. After a longer-than-expected hiatus for our blog, we’re back. Frankly, reading a blog on LinkedIn reminded me to “practice what we preach”. The blog, written by Brandon Evens, makes some excellent points and is well written. I share with you an excerpt and encourage you to read the full article.
Just as the Internet has completely changed business models like the music industry’s in a brief period of time, social communications stand to completely change how people make purchasing decisions. While solid ROIs can still be made focusing on the way things have always been done, that will continue to change quickly.
With this new age comes many challenges and many opportunities. In several years from now expect there to be many new leaders and continual new entrants that evolve with a deep understanding of how consumers are now influenced.
Read Brandon’s complete article on Fast Company, 5 Rules for Marketing in the Age of Discovery.