Okay… Yes, it’s a cliché. You’ve heard it a million times. Yet, when it comes to advertising, small business owners sometimes over-think.
What’s the smallest space we can get away with, and how much information can we cram into it?
If we buy airtime at 2:00 am, it will only cost us $1.00 per spot!
Shouldn’t our fax number be added to all the other numbers, URL, email address, Skype, and the rest of our contact information…?
I want to try social media, radio, television, web advertising, newspaper, and maybe dabble in a bit of sky-writing.
By nature, business owners are inquisitive risk-takers and sometimes easily distracted by “new and shiny”. Our advice: keep it simple. Focus first on what you have to offer your customers and what you do best. Develop language that best describes your customer benefit and why it is so desirable. Then hone it down to the simplest, clearest statement. Now you’re ready to advertise.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket (another cliché), but don’t scatter your eggs throughout the neighborhood, either. If you do, you’ll just end up with a scrambled media plan. Select a primary media that is best suited toward your identified audience. Select a strong secondary media, then experiment with one or two additional advertising opportunities that make sense for your customers, your company, and your message.
Above all, keep it simple. From developing your core message, to planning a media strategy, to producing creative marketing, simple always wins.